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Here at Pure Wellness we hope to bring our family health remedies to yours 

Throughout my life, I have always felt a call to help and nurture those around me, using my skills to create remedies and comfort for family and friends in need. However, my perspective on healing took a profound turn when my mother Pam Proctor’s health took a serious decline.

Despite our efforts with conventional treatments for her recurring pneumonia, my mother's condition persisted. It was then that I sought out alternative solutions and took her to a holistic doctor who prescribed herbal supplements. Motivated by a desire to save my mother, I delved into researching the healing properties of these supplements and how they could benefit her.

To my surprise and relief, the herbal remedies I provided showed significant improvement in my mother's health, garnering positive feedback even from medical professionals. Nevertheless, the mystery behind her persistent pneumonia remained unresolved until a surgical procedure revealed an unexpected culprit - a green pea from a previous meal that had accidentally made its way into her lungs.


The discovery of this rare and unusual occurrence shed light on the complexities of health and the importance of thorough investigation. Following the successful removal of the green pea, my mother's recovery has been remarkable, and her well-being restored.

Discovering one's life journey and purpose is a profound experience that eludes many individuals. Witnessing my mother's health struggles, and the dedicated effort I invested in her recovery ignited a passion within me to heal and support others.

When people inquire about how I arrived at this point, I explain that this path was not a conscious choice but rather a bestowed gift. The trying ordeal my mother endured over seven months, where the presence of a misplaced pea in her lung necessitated medical intervention, served as a catalyst for my vocation in healing. Had her battle with pneumonia been briefer or less intense, I might never have found myself on this transformative path of assisting and caring for others.

This journey has reinforced my belief in the power of holistic approaches to healing and the need for unwavering dedication in caregiving. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the miracles that can unfold through perseverance and love.


Thank you for taking the time to read about this significant chapter in my life. I remain profoundly grateful for the lessons learned and the strength gained from this experience.

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